nrd_gfp ET20

Oregon Health&Science University

Department of Cell, Developmental & Cancer Biology



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School of Medicine
Department of Cell, Developmental & Cancer Biology
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd
Basic Sciences L215
Portland, OR 97239

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primordium migration I placode formation

Formation of the lateral line neuromasts

In zebrafish, mechanosensory organs called neuromasts (NM) are deposited at regular intervals by the migrating posterior lateral line (pLL) primordium (group of about 100 cells). The pLL primordium is organized into polarized rosettes representing proto-NM. This time-lapse movie shows that rosettes are deposited cyclically from the trailing edge of the migrating pLL primordium . Cells are labeled with ClaudinB-memGFP (Haas and Gilmour, 2006) and imaged at 6-minute intervals beginning at 30 hours post-fertilization. Note that rosettes are quickly renewed, as proto-NM is deposited from the trailing edge.



Formation of the epibranchial placodes

This movie shows that the otic and epibranchial placodes arise from a single group of precursors. By the end of the movie this single pax2a-positive domain separates into the otic (OV), facial (f) , and glossopharyngeal (g) and vagal (v) placodes. Confocal z-sections were taken every 6 min using pax2a:gfp transgenic line (generated in Michael Brand laboratory (Picker et al., 2002)).This is a side view with anterior is at left, movie begins at 11 hour post-fertilization and frames are taken at 200x magnification. Abbreviations: mhb-midbrain-hindbrain boundary; r3-rhombomere3; r5-rhombomere5; gVIII-accoustic ganglion.





Last update: April 2021

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